【S3-US】SHERLOCK シーズン3US(アメリカ)版Blu-Ray

- 音声
- 英語
- 字幕
- 英語(本編、特典映像両方あり)
- 特典映像
- Fans, Villains & Speculation
- Shooting Sherlock
- The Fall
Sherlock, Season 3 [Blu-ray]
アメリカのiTunes Storeで「Sherlock, Series 3 - Sherlock」を購入すると、ディスクに収録されていない特典映像を見ることが出来ます。アメリカの「SHERLOCK」放送局PBSで放送された、1時間の特別番組とミニ番組3本(各20分強)です。
イギリスのiTunes Storeの場合は、シリーズ1-3がセットになった「Sherlock, Series 1-3: Deluxe Edition - Sherlock」にのみ収録されています。
英米iTunes Store版のみの特典映像
- Unlocking Sherlock(55分)
- Find out how writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss created the television hit Sherlock, taking Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original adventures of the Victorian super sleuth and transforming them into a worldwide sensation. And we go behind the scenes on set with the stars of Sherlock. Featuring inteviews with actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Sherlock Uncovered: The Return(25分)
- Sherlock's back! The wolrld's greatest detective comes back from the dead. But how did he do it? We go behind-the-scenes of the first episode cast read-through, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman where the answer to television's greatest mystery was first revealed. And we uncover the unlikely friendship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson.
- Sherlock Uncovered: The Women(26分)
- The stars of Sherlock talk about the women in the life of TV's greatest detective. Sherlock Holmes may be great at solving mysteries, but he's slueless about women. We launch an investigation into the women i Sherlock's life. Mary Morstan is marrying his best friend. Irene Adler stole his heart. He doesn't know Molly exists. And Mrs Hudson's always there to pick up the pieces.
- Sherlock Uncoverd: The Villains(22分)
- We meet the great villains who've battled with TV's greatest detective. There's Jim Moriarty, his nemesis. Thre's Charles Augustus Magnussen, the only man Sherlock Holmes truely hates. And then there's Mycroft Holmes - Sherlock's brother and the laast word in sibling rivalry. All of them have had influence over those closest to Sherlock. And all of them cause him grief.