共同制作のマーク・ゲイティスがシリーズ4撮影日について"significant progress"と話す

2014/05/18にロンドンで開かれたBAFTA TV Awardsレッドカーぺット上で、マーク・ゲイティスが「SHERLOCK/シャーロック」シリーズ4の撮影日について「かなりの進捗がある」という“公式見解”を出しました。

Radio Times:Mark Gatiss on Sherlock series 4 filming dates - exclusive video

Speaking to RadioTimes.com, the BBC drama's co-creator announced they had made "significant progress" in finding a date to shoot the fourth series.

The busy schedules of the show's stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman - and its co-creators Gatiss and Steven Moffat (who also runs Doctor Who) - have meant that finding time to reunite on set has been like organising "a massive UN conference," said Gatiss. Take a look at the video below...

"I can officially tell you that we are moving closer to agreeing some dates to shoot. If that sounds like a party line, it is,"

"That is proper progress because Ben and Martin are so busy and Stephen and myself are so busy, but actually trying to get everybody to interlock is - we have made significant progress."

これが「SHERLOCK/シャーロック」製作陣の“公式見解”とのこと。超多忙となったベネディクト・カンバーバッチとマーティン・フリーマンのスケジュールを抑えるだけでも至難の業な上に、共同脚本家のスティーヴン・モファットとマーク・ゲイティスも「Doctor Who/ドクター・フー」を抱え、ドラマや舞台の出演もあり。
