公式ゲームアプリ「SHERLOCK:The Network」がUK App Design Awardを受賞
8月にAndroid版がようやくリリースとなる「SHERLOCK」公式ゲームアプリ「SHERLOCK:The Network」が、UK App Design Awardを受賞しました。製作はThe Project Factory。
「SHERLOCK:The Network」は2014年1月にiOS版がリリースされ、日本でも多くのファンが楽しんでいる公式ゲームです。ゲームの詳細は当サイト内「 公式ゲームアプリ:Shrelock: The Network」で紹介しています。
UK App Design Awards Winners Announced
The UK App Design Awards Announces Winners May 18th BOXPARK Shoreditch, London UK
Sherlock:The Network invites players to join the ‘homeless network’. Across ten cases, players help Sherlock and John solve cases; navigating virtual London on foot, by tube or by taxi; hearing from witnesses, collecting evidence, playing games and picking up cash and tools. As they progress, they move on to the more difficult task of sourcing intelligence and decrypting complex codes and puzzles with the ultimate mission of thwarting one overarching plot: the kidnapping of Mrs Hudson. - See more at: http://appdesignawards.co.uk/UKAPPS14/entry_details.asp?ID=12985&Category_ID=5590#sthash.3bAmmk6r.dpuf
Sherlock: The Network wins UK App Design Award for Best Game http://t.co/sufUAMpYaU @HartswoodFilms @sherlocknetwork #AppDesignAward
— Miroma Project Factory (@wearempf) June 19, 2014
We have won an @appdesignaward for #Sherlock: The Network! @wearetpf will be celebrating tonight! #jointhenetwork pic.twitter.com/K0tsBmjO5P
— Sherlock The Network (@sherlocknetwork) June 18, 2014
BBC Worldwideの公式クリップ
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